Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Resolve to Get Involved!

Why not ring in the New Year by resolving to volunteer?

If you already volunteer, please consider sharing your experiences and encouraging others to volunteer!

There are so many opportunities out there just waiting for the right person to come along and help. There are boards and committees seeking new members, non-profits looking for people to assist with outreach and education, carpentry, mentoring, and fostering animals (just to name a few).

If you have specific skills or knowledge, you can also contact an agency that interests you directly to see if they might have a need for your talents.

Volunteering can help you meet new people, have fun, learn about our community, discover pressing issues and needs, share what you know, learn something new, and discover ways in which you can be a force for positive change.

So much is happening here in Howard County. Start the New Year right by resolving to be more active in our community through volunteering!

Wishing you all the Happiest of New Years and Best Wishes for a wonderful 2009!

Register with the Volunteer Center Serving Howard County today to find volunteer opportunities related to your skills and interests! You can also visit our website at to search for current opportunities, view the calendar, fan us on Facebook, or find agencies addressing a social issue that interests you.

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